Friday, July 27, 2018

How to Overcome Temptation

210 Every time you try to block a thought out of your mind, you drive it deeper into your memory. By resisting it, you actually reinforce it… 

Don’t fight the thought, just change the channel of your mind and get interested in another idea. 

211 Temptation begins by capturing your attention. What gets your attention arouses your emotions. Then, your emotions activate your behavior, and you act on what you felt….

Ignoring a temptation is far more effective than fighting it. Once your mind is on something else, the temptation loses its power…

You defeat bad thoughts by thinking on something better. 

214 If you are a believer, Satan cannot force you to do anything. He can only suggest.

Purpose Driven Life Quotes by Rick Warren with page number.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Why does God allow temptation?

201 Realize that it (temptation) is just as much an occasion to do the right thing as it is to do the wrong thing. Temptation simply provides the choice.  

202 God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you’re tempted to express the exact opposite quality. 

203 Temptation starts when Satan suggests (with a thought) that you give in to an evil desire… Always beware of shortcuts. 

 204 Satan offers his lie to replace what God has already said in his Word… 

Lust is a choice to commit in your mind what you’d like to do with your body. 

 206 Satan will suggest a bizarre or evil thought just to distract you or shame you….

He knows exactly what trips you up, and he is constantly working to get you into those circumstances….

You should identify your typical pattern of temptation and then prepare to avoid those situations as much as possible.

Purpose Drive Life quotes from Rick Warren with page numbers.

Signs of the times

 There will be an increase of wickedness (Matthew 24:9-13, 36,  2 Timothy 3:1-5).  There will be world wide satellite technology (Revelation...