Monday, June 13, 2022

An Attitude Adjustment

 What happens to others does not dictate what happens to me.  (Read Numbers 13:31-33) 

An exception is a rule breaker.  The Bible is filled with exceptions.  None of the adjectives in the Bible describe normal.  


As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  (Read Proverbs 23:7) 

When the enemy cannot get us to change what we believe about God, he attempts to get us to change what we believe about ourselves. 

The enemy will try to get us to think too highly about ourselves.  If this doesn't work, he'll try to make us to think too lowly of ourselves. 

Humility is having a right view about ourselves.  Arrogance doesn't come from who you are or what you do.  It comes from forgetting who gave it to you.  


God has to talk us through our inadequacies to get us to our callings. What you think that disqualifies you, is what qualifies you. 

Don't rehearse your limitations.  (Read Exodus 4:10) 

The book of Exodus is derived from the word "exit".  If God is the God of exits, you'll never be trapped.  (Read Exodus 13:13-17)


Shorter is not always better.  Wilderness seasons are only negative if you stay longer than necessary. Don't face your new season with old problems. 

What was scary was not how they talked about the giants, but how they talked about themselves.  (Read Numbers 13:33) 

The problem was not that there were giants in the land, but how they saw themselves.  They assumed others saw them as they saw themselves.  


They lost the fight that was fixed by God because they didn't have the courage to fight.  The giants weren't too big, but that they had a grasshopper mentality. 

We must equally address arrogance and inadequacies. When God created us, He didn't leave anything out that is needed for our destinies. 

With everything that God has done in our past, it is illogical to doubt God in our future.


Signs of the times

 There will be an increase of wickedness (Matthew 24:9-13, 36,  2 Timothy 3:1-5).  There will be world wide satellite technology (Revelation...