The Law of Moses took care of
those in dire need. In Deut. 26 12 (NIV) , the Bible in the Law of Moses
"When you have finished
setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the
tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the
widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied."
It is socialistic to the extent that one-tenth of the harvest was taxed by law, redistributed to the dire poor; but the tax was capped at 10% as to not be an undue burden on the nation’s economy. In other words, socialism was both allowed, and controlled by the tithe law.
Another socialistic program in the Law of Moses can be found in Deut. 15:1-2. (NIV) “At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the LORD’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed”.
According to the Law of Moses,
the affluent had to release the poor from their debts every seven years. Debt
cancellation is another form of wealth redistribution and socialism found in
the Bible. In this example, socialism was allowed, but could be limited by the
affluent in how much they loaned out.
In Deut. 23:19, 24, 25, we see a couple of more examples of social programs in the Law of Moses. (NIV) “19 Do not charge a fellow Israelite interest, whether on money or food or anything else that may earn interest.” The affluent were not allowed to charge interest on their brother and sister Israelites.
24 “If you enter your neighbor’s vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but do not put any in your basket. 25 If you enter your neighbor’s grain field, you may pick kernels with your hands, but you must not put a sickle to their standing grain.”
This form of socialism and wealth redistribution was authorized by the Bible in the Law of Moses in that anyone including the poor had access to anyone else’s field to go and eat; however, they could not harvest it or haul it off. If they did, it would be stealing.
Lastly, another example of socialism and wealth distribution can be found in the Bible in Leviticus 23:22 (NIV) 22 “‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the LORD your God.” The affluent were legally required to not harvest the corners of their field, so that the poor could eat from it.
The Bible in the Law of Moses itself recognizes that an involuntary wealth tax of 10% does not go far enough. In Deut. 15:11, the Bible in the Law of Moses recognizes the need for the general public to voluntarily give to those in need. (NIV) “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.”
Jesus fully supported the Law of Moses and the tithe in Luke 11:42; therefore, Jesus would have to be socialistic in His thinking as far as the Law of Moses goes. (NIV) “Woe to you Pharisees (religious leaders) because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.”
In other words, Jesus taught that the Jews had fulfilled the involuntary tithe law; however, they had not practiced justice by voluntarily open handed giving as instructed in the Bible in the Law of Moses by giving to their poor brothers and sisters like instructed to do in Deut. 15:11.
Throughout the ministry of Christ, Jesus emphasized voluntary giving to the poor which the Jewish establishment of His day was overlooking.
In Matthew
25:42-46 Jesus said 42 "For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and
you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in,
I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you
did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry
or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not
help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for
one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away
to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Jesus taught that to voluntarily give to our poor brothers and sisters in Christ is a true test of those who really belong to Him.