God loves to bless you with blessings that He knows won't have you. Life makes much of things that matter little. Let's talk about the things that matter.
Psalm 126:5-6 New (NKJV)
5 Those who sow in tears
Shall reap in joy.
Shall reap in joy.
6 He who continually goes forth weeping,
Bearing seed for sowing,
Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
Bringing his sheaves with him.
There is a difference between precious seed and ordinary seed. What is precious is extremely valuable. Seed becomes precious when you release it in faith in the expectation of a harvest.
Didn't God ask Moses what's in your hand (Exodus 4:2)? Moses had given up everything when he had left Egypt except for his rod which was a symbol of Egyptian power.
When he released what was precious to him he saw the supernatural (Exodus 4:3). It became a snake in Aaron's hand that swallowed up all the other snakes (Exodus 7:12).
If you release to God what you hold most valuable, He will introduce you to a realm of faith and doubtlessness (Psalm 126:6). It is the realm of a perfect faith which moves mountains (Mark 11:23).
Don't be ignorant of God's word if you want your life to be approved of by Him. If you can't hear God's voice, you can at least read it in God's book, the Bible. Dusty Bibles lead to dirty lives.
If you read the Bible, it'll read you. It is not a little thing to God for you to pursue Him. It is precious to Him.
Milk has already been digested by a cow. Spiritual milk is relying upon preaching for your spiritual food. Pursue God by reading His word for yourself. You can't live wrong and die right.
Psalm 116:15 (NKJV)
15 Precious in the sight of the Lord
Is the death of His saints.
Aaron's rod was chosen over his peers because of the resurrection life within his dead rod (Numbers 17).
All the religious leaders of the world have died. Only one has come back to life, and His name is Jesus. He is the person that God selected to save us; therefore, His blood is precious (I Peter 1:19). God gave us His precious Son's blood on the cross.
Solomon sacrificed 1,000 sheep to God in 1 Kings 3 and that night God showed up in his room.
In 2 Chronicles 7:1, God showed up again and fire came down to consume his offering, and the Holy Spirit showed up. God notices when you give to Him your best.
The woman who put the alabaster jar of oil on Jesus's feet did not go unnoticed by Jesus. It was worth a year's wages (Mark 14). Jesus defended her actions from the attacks of His disciples. Only she and Jesus smelled alike during His crucifixion.
What about the kid that offered to Jesus his 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed the 5,000. He gave to Jesus his everything, and Jesus rewarded Him with 12 bags of food (Matthew 14:13-21).
During the judgement, some will have wood, hay, and stubble to offer Jesus. Some will have gold, silver, and previous stones.
Wood, hay, and stubble is above the ground and perishable. Gold, Silver, and precious stones are below the ground and do not perish in fire.
The above ground is our public works and the below ground is our private works only seen by God. These are the only works that will last.
The private works are precious. Precious stones are produced under pressure. (1 Corinthians 3:12-13)
God asked for Isaac to be sacrificed on the altar by Abraham. God ask for Abraham's precious boy from his precious wife.
Isaac had to carry the word for his sacrifice like Jesus had to carry the cross for His.
Abraham had 3 days to think about it like our heavenly Father did with Jesus. It was about growing Abraham's faith. What does God ask from you now? (Genesis 22)
What is precious to you? What are you constantly thinking about? There are some things that will never be released into your life until you've release what's precious to you.
Joseph demanded Jacob's most precious son, Benjamin. Jacob had to release his precious son to go to Egypt into unknown dangers. Jacob went from sacks to wagons of God's blessings (Genesis 42).
So far, we've talked about precious faith, blood, and seed. I've been talking about a God who did not withhold his precious Son back who died for you and me.
What God asks of you is for you to give to Him what's most precious. What He wants is what his precious Son died for. It's you. He wants you!
Notes take from Jentzen Franklin, Faith Chapel, Speaking at Church of the Highlands. The Power of the Precious.