Your greatest purpose is to allow God to love
John 3:16 (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in him shall not perish but
have eternal life.
God didn't make you to be someone else.
God does not bless fakes or phonies.
Be who God made you to be.
God didn't make you for the approval of others.
Most of us start out as originals, but end up as copies.
Nothing is more discouraging than trying to please everyone.
Even God cannot do that.
Only a fool would try to do something that even God cannot do.
God can't please everyone.
Fear of rejection makes us try to conceal who we really are.
The more that I think about me. The more discouraged I
When you think that it's all about you, you get prideful,
fearful, or discouraged.
God did not make you to be the center of the universe.
Your life message is about God.
God is always more interested in why you do what you do more
than what you are actually doing.
If you forget the why, you'll get discouraged and
Why do you do what you do?
You get discouraged when you can't do what is humanly
You can't fix everybody's problems.
You can't be in more than one place at a time.
You can't spend the money that you don't have.
When you do, that's called debt.
Is is easier to fill your schedule than to fulfill your
Isn't it easier to make a promise than to keep it?
God sometimes puts His greatest gifts in the weakest
That way God's glory shines through.
If God only used perfect people, nothing would get done
because there aren't any.
God uses weak people, so His strength can flow through
If you attach purpose to your pain, you can endure it.
You greatest ministry will come out of your deepest hurt if
you'll be honest with God and other's about it.
There is internal motivation, external motivation, and
eternal motivation.
Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
2 fixing
our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and
sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Don't focus on your problems, but look past them into eternity.
Rick Warren