Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Keys to Knowing God

1. You must learn how to listen to God.

2. You must study God's Word prayerfully.

3. You must apply what God is saying to you through His Word.

4. You must make notes of what and where God has spoken to you. 

5. You must reflect on the outcome of applying God's Word, or choosing not too. 

6. You must take time to be silent and listen to God.

7. You must discipline yourself to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of you. 

 The Holy Spirit impresses you to guide you while you study God's Word. 

8. You must anticipate and believe when God has spoken to you. 

 If God speaks to you and you ignore Him, why should He continue to speak to you? 

9. You must obey God if you want Him to continue to speak to you. 

If you really trust God, you will obey Him. 

Every act of obedience will build your faith if you pay attention to the consequences of obeying or disobeying. 

 (Study the life of Abraham in Genesis 12-17) 

10. You must learn to depend upon God to meet your needs. 
Depending upon the world to meet your needs is always a bad idea. 

It is a form of idolatry.

11. You must acknowledge your faith failures to God for what it is. 

 Say Lord I just haven't been trusting you, but I have been doubting that you know better than me.  

I have doubted that you will take care of me. 

Please forgive me for doubting you and not obeying you. 

Please start speaking to me again. 

I will listen, and do what you say.

-Charles Stanley

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