What to do when your set back isn't your fault.
It's easiest to deal with a set back which is your mistake.
You who have been hurt by other people know exactly what I'm talking about.
In Acts 27, here is an example of this.
Paul is in a ship in a storm whose trip he tried to prevent.
He was going to Rome for a crime that he didn't commit.
God told Paul to warn the ship's captain, but the captain wouldn't listen.
I. What causes people to make decisions which create havoc in the lives of other people?
A. They listen to ungodly advice. Acts 27:9-11
1. They use experts to validate their biases.
When God tells you not to do something, ignore all the experts who tell you to do it.
B. They copy the crowd. Acts 27:12
C. They rely on circumstances. Acts 27:13
1. Have you ever gotten exactly what you wanted only to find out you're headed into a storm?
2. Is it possible what you are wanting in life is just setting you up for a ship wreck?
Why should you never trust your circumstances?
It's because they change constantly. Acts 27:14
II. What do you need to know about the storms and set backs which are not your fault?
A. Storms can cause you to drift from your goal. Acts 27:15
1. You lose control of your plan.
2. You quit trying because you are tired.
3. You give up.
4. Your pressure driven and not purpose driven.
5. You drift in every direction.
B. Storms can cause you to discard what you used to value. Acts 27:18-19
Never make a major decision when your depressed. You'll almost always make a wrong decision.
C. Storms can cause you to despair. Acts 27:20.
1. Hold on to the presence of God.
2. Hold on to the purposes of God.
3. Hold on to the promises of God.
III. What do you need to remember when you are in a storm that's wrecking your ship and you feel hopeless?
A. Remember that God is with you. Although you can't see Him, He is standing with you. God is everywhere. Acts 27:21-23
B.Remember that God's purpose is greater than this set back or storm.
Storms and set backs cannot change God's purpose. Acts 27:24
C. Remember that God's promises can be trusted.
God has not promised to save your ship, but he has promised to save you! Acts 27:25-26
What have you been holding onto for your security?
The safest place is in the center of God's will.
Don't put your security into something that can be taken from you.
For Jesus to save you, you've got to let go of everything but Him. Acts 27:27-28
Practice gratitude in your despair. Acts 27:34-36
Everyone was saved because of Paul. You are God's strategy to save others in life's storms. Acts 27:45-46
Rick Warren, Saddleback Church
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